Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
How to Make a Macrame Feather - A Trendy DIY Decoration


How to Make a Macrame Feather - A Trendy DIY Decoration

Macrame feathers have become a decorative hit. They are easy to make and can add a touch of boho chic to your home. You can also use them as accessories for your keys, necklace, earrings, or even a bookmark. In this post, I will show you how to make a macrame feather with just a few materials.



 What you need:

- Yarn or string
- Scissors
- Brush or comb, mine I borrow from my dog 😁

How to make a macrame feather

1. Cut one piece of yarn or string to the length of your desired leaf or feather. This will be the spine of your feather. 
2. Cut about 40-50 shorter pieces of yarn or string. These will be the fringes of your feather. You can use one color, two colors, or multiple colors for a more colorful effect.
3. Fold the fringes in half and attach them to the spine using lark's head knots. To do this, place the folded end of a fringe over the spine, then pull the two loose ends through the loop and tighten. See the picture below for reference.
4. Repeat this step with each fringe, alternating sides with each new knot. Make sure the knots are close together and cover the spine completely.
5. Your feather is ready. Now it's time to shape it. Brush or comb the fringes to make them fluffy and soft.
6. Then, use scissors to trim the fringes into a symmetrical shape. You can make them round, pointed, or curved, depending on your preference.
7. Your macrame leaf is done. You can leave it as it is or add a finishing touch by making a loop at the top of the spine. This will allow you to hang it on a wall, a door, or a window as a decoration.
8. You can also use the leftover fringes to make felt balls by rolling them in your hands. These can be used as beads or ornaments for your feather or other projects.

Ready Macrame Feather !
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make a macrame feather. It is a fun and easy project that you can do with just a few materials and some creativity. You can use your macrame feather as a decoration for your home, a gift for your friends, or a personal accessory. You can also experiment with different colors, shapes, and sizes of your feather. The possibilities are endless!
If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and leave a comment below. I would love to see your macrame feather creations and hear your feedback. You can also follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook for more DIY ideas and inspiration. Thank you for reading and happy crafting!


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Po uszyciu kolarek z poprzedniego postu wciąż  miałam wystarczającą ilość materiału, aby  coś jeszcze poszyć z tej bluzki. Mój wybór padł na top z rękawkami  , który będzie fajnie komponował się z kolarkami lub z spódniczką. 

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