DIY Boxy top 👚 with round neckline🎈 super easy sewing tutorial and pattern
DIY Boxy top 👚 with round neckline🎈 super easy sewing tutorial and pattern
Hello👋😀, in this DIY/ thrift flip video I sew Boxy top with round neckline .
I show you step by step super easy sewing tutorial on how to upcycle bed sheet and refashion it into totally new Crop Top .
In first part of this video I draw pattern which later I use to sew this top .
See for yourself how super easy it is to create new clothhing .
I hope this video is easy to follow and you have fun watching it ❗
Let's create something beautiful ❗
DIY Boxy top 👚 with round neckline🎈 super easy sewing tutorial and pattern
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