Showing posts with label skirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skirt. Show all posts
How to Sew 3 Bias Cut Skirts for Beginners (With Free PDF Pattern and Video Tutorial)


How to Sew 3 Bias Cut Skirts for Beginners (With Free PDF Pattern and Video Tutorial)


Do you love sewing? Do you want to learn how to make your own bias cut skirts? If you answered yes to both questions, then you’re in luck! I have just uploaded a new video on my YouTube channel where I show you how to sew 3 bias cut skirts for beginners, with a free PDF pattern. 🧵

Bias cut skirts are one of the hottest trends right now. They are flattering, comfortable, and stylish. They are also easy to make with some basic sewing skills and a few tips and tricks that I share with you in the video. Plus, you can wear them for any occasion, whether you want to dress them up or down. 🌟

In the video how to cut the fabric on the bias, how to sew the seams and hem the edges, and how to make the perfect fit for these skirts. You will also get a free PDF pattern that you can download and print at home. 📝

What You Need to Sew a Bias Skirt

Sewing Tools

 To sew a bias skirt, you will need some basic sewing skills and tools, such as:



How to Style a Bias Skirt for a Casual Look

For a casual look, you can pair your bias skirt with a simple top, such as a t-shirt, a tank top, or a sweater. You can also add a denim jacket, a faux leather jacket, or a cardigan for some extra warmth and texture. For shoes, you can go for sneakers, flats, or boots, depending on the weather and your mood. You can also accessorize with a hat, a belt, or a scarf for some extra flair. For example, you can wear a white t-shirt, a black bias skirt, a denim jacket, white sneakers, and a black hat for a cool and casual outfit.


How to Style a Bias Skirt for a Chic Look

For a chic look, you can pair your bias skirt with a silky or lacey top, such as a cami, a blouse, or a bodysuit. You can also add a blazer, a trench coat, or a fur coat for some extra elegance and sophistication. For shoes, you can go for heels, pumps, or sandals, depending on the occasion and your preference. You can also accessorize with a clutch, a necklace, or earrings for some extra sparkle. For example, you can wear a black lace cami, a leopard print bias skirt, a beige trench coat, black pumps, and a gold necklace for a glamorous and chic outfit.


How to Style a Bias Skirt for a Boho Look

For a boho look, you can pair your bias skirt with a floral or printed top, such as a wrap top, a crop top, or a kimono. You can also add a denim vest, a fringe jacket, or a poncho for some extra bohemian vibe and layering. For shoes, you can go for wedges, espadrilles, or mules, depending on the season and your style. You can also accessorize with a straw bag, a headband, or a bracelet for some extra color and charm. For example, you can wear a white wrap top, a green bias skirt, a denim vest, brown wedges, and a straw bag for a cute and boho outfit.


I hope these ideas help you style your bias skirt for different looks. You can also experiment with different colors, prints, and fabrics to create your own unique outfits. A bias skirt is a great piece to have in your wardrobe, as it can be worn for any occasion and any season.

So, what are you waiting for? Go watch the video and read the post to learn how to sew your own bias cut skirts. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one. 😊

Step by Step Video 

Free PDF pattern in this post

Check out as well:

How to measure yourself to choose the best size 

How to print and assemble free PDF patterns

How to cut out sewing patterns with tips and tools

How to add seam allowance in sewing


If you like what you see, please give it a thumbs up, leave a comment, and share it with your friends. And if you haven’t already, please follow me on YouTube and Blogspot for more sewing tutorials and tips. 🔔

Thank you for your support and happy sewing! 😊



 This post has affiliate links * Affiliate Link. This means that if you click on the link and purchase an item, I will receive a small percentage of your purchase (at no extra cost to you).

How To Add Pocket To Anything ! |easy sewing | free pocket pattern


How To Add Pocket To Anything ! |easy sewing | free pocket pattern

Hello!, do you want to add pockets to anything and everywhere ? , if the answer is yes , this video is for you . I show you there how to make super easy pocket pattern , how to choose right fabric for them and how to add it to anything !. I will also upcycle sweater dress into duster sweater with just one long cutting.

How To Easily Add Pockets To Anything

How to add pocket to sweater,dress,skirt,jumpsuit

Sweater with Pockets  Thrift Flip 

Dress Refashion 


jak uszyć sukienkę / how to sew a dress


jak uszyć sukienkę / how to sew a dress


Summer is coming to an end , but with warm sweater we can still wear dresses in autumn,
 that's why I made this quick refashion. 
I loved the colors and patterns on this skirt, but it was way too big for me so I had no choice only to change it in something wearable , there was so much material I could resize it and change into dress. 
This is what I call a good deal.

Niestety mamy już końcówkę lata , ubrania na ciepłą porę roku powoli chowamy na dno szafy, proponuję jednak chwilkę zatrzymać się z zachomikowaniem sukienek. 
Z towarzystwem ciepłych swetrów możemy śmiało przebalować całą jesień właśnie w sukienkach.

Skirt Before 100% viscose
Spódnica Przed

Dress pattern 📈

Sukienka wykrój 


How to sew a straps ❓

Jak uszyć ramiączka do sukienki


How to sew a dress

Jak uszyć sukienkę

Using pattern ( upper ⇡ ) cut out all elements of the dress
next sew the center of the dress by right sides to each other

Korzystając z wykroju powyżej wytnij elementy sukienki
następnie zszyj środek sukienki prawymi stronami do siebie

pin the straps on the left side to the dress, next pin the flounce by the right side to the upper side of the dress, sew with straight stitch  and iron 

przypnij ramiączka  po lewej stronie do sukienki , następnie przypnij falbankę prawą stroną  do góry sukienki , przyszyj ściegiem prostym i przeprasuj

overturn the flounce to the right side and sew the upper edge, next sew a tunnel for elastic
measure on yourself the length of the elastic , thread it through the tunnel and sew

wywróć falbankę na prawą stronę i przyszyj górny brzeg  następnie uszyj tunel
pozostawiając szczelinę  na gumkę , wymierz na sobie długość gumki  przewlecz przez tunel, zszyj gumkę  i zaszyj szczelinę

sew a sash
 dress is ready

doszyj szarfę do kompletu 
i sukienka gotowa

I chose knotted straps but you can make normal ones if you like them better
 ja do swojej sukienki doszyłam ramiączka wiązane ale Ty możesz użyć normalne 

Dress on me 
Sukienka w stylizacji 
you can wear it in many ways 
off shoulder dress
classic dress with straps 

możesz ją nosić na kilka sposobów  
jako off shoulder 
klasycznie z ramiączkami 

or as skirt with peplum 
lub jako spódnica z baskinką

 you can use belt in contrast color to it 💡

opcjonalnie zamiast szarfy możesz używać paski w kolorze kontrastowym


Skirt Before Dress After

Spódnica Przed Sukienka Po

Diy peasant blouse / Bluzka bez ramion tutorial


Diy peasant blouse / Bluzka bez ramion tutorial


We can find inspirations everywhere even on a site with dolls , yes dolls. 
My sis sent me this cool tutorial with annotation that she want same off shoulders blouse 👯.
And I made 2 for for her and one for me 😉.

Inspiracje otaczają nas z każdej strony i powiem szczerze, że pierwszy raz inspiruję się bluzką jaką nosi lalka , tak lalka 😃 ten 👉 tutorial peasant top  podesłała mi siostra pisząc , że jest mega prosta, super wygląda  i  że chcę taką, więc zrobiłam 😉.

Skirt Before refashion :
Spódniczka Przed przeróbką:

my before fabric 👉 old skirt in cool patterns 🌷, 100 % viscose

mój wyjściowy materiał to starka spódnica w śliczne kwiatowe wzorki , 100% wiskoza

How to sew off shoulder blouse 💡

Jak uszyć bluzkę bez ramion

fold the fabric in half  and sew it together

materiał złóż w pół prawymi stronami do siebie i zszyj razem

Blouse Pattern 👚

Wykrój bluzki

use instructions below
create casing for elastic and sew the botton of the fabric

 korzystamy z poniższych instrukcji
tworzymy tunel na gumkę pozostawiając szczelinę  następnie
podszywamy dół bluzki 

mark the width of the shoulders and blouse

wyznaczamy szerokość bluzki i rękawów

with the help of the ruler mark the length of the shoulders
and sew

z pomocą linijki zaznaczamy długość rękawów 
i zszywamy

cut the shoulders in way you can see on photo 📷 and sew with zigzag

nacinamy rękawy i podszywamy zygzakiem 

now it's time for elastic 
cut   the piece of  your elastic equal to your shoulders measurements
attach the safety pin to one end of your elastic
feed the elastic through the tunnel , use your fingers to push and pull it
 🐰 using the safety pin
sew the opening

przewlekamy gumkę ,zaszywamy szczelinę i gotowe 

Ready off shoulders blouse

Gotowa bluzka off shoulder 

here 👇 you can see ready blouse on me, I find this blouse fantastic ,it's super comfortable💃 and  feminine 👱, I think all women should have at least one off shoulders blouse 👚 in the closet

A tak prezentuje się bluzeczka 👕 w całości, jestem nią zachwycona , na początku myślałam ,że będzie mi zlatywała z ramion , mam złe doświadczenie z taką jedną ... kupioną,  ale nic z tego 😊, właściwa szerokość naprawdę daje radę 💝

One blouse, 👉 many ways to wear It

jedna bluzka i multum sposobów na jej noszenie jej💃

in this way you can sew dress 👗, top or just modify base pattern according to idea 💡 and need 📎

PS. Tym sposobem możesz uszyć sukienkę , top 👘 lub po prostu modyfikuj bazowy wykrój wedle pomysłu i potrzeby 💡

Skirt Before and off shoulders blouse After

Spódniczka Przed szyciem i bluzka bez ramion Po 

 1.Diy Pesant blouse to sew a shorts 👖 Klik